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➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ Sprache WÄHLEN ↓↓ ВЫБЕРИТЕ свой язык ↓↓ ОБЕРІТЬ свою мову ↓↓CHOISISSEZ votre langue ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ ELIGE tu idioma ↓↓ 选择你的语言 ↓↓ 選擇你的語言 ↓↓ Scegli la tua LINGUA ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ اختر لغتك ↓↓ Dilinizi seçiniz ↓↓ अपनी भाषा चुनें ↓↓ زبان خود را انتخاب کنید ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ ZGJIDHni gjuhën tuaj ↓↓ ИЗБЕРЕТЕ вашия език ↓↓ 言語を選んでください ↓↓ בחר את השפה שלך ↓↓..


Δευτέρα 28 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Royal names-titles of Kings from Ancient World, Pictographic & Ancient Linear Scripture and the Frenchman Champollion!

Knower-Teacher of Pictographic & of Ancient Linear Scripture

The names-titles of Shepherds-Kings and the end of a failed venture!

The Ancient World is full of inscriptions with the Common, Global, Eikonogrammato & Palaeogrammiko System of Writing-Reading of ancient speech!

And here, at Macedonia, at Ancient Egypt and at the MeTRoPoLis (iSTaNBuL) of the Eastern Roman Empire beats the heart of Hellenism!

[Caution, do not misunderstand the meaning of the Hellenism why would disrupted the Barbarians* and, above all, to you are righteous to children-Greeks...

*Barbarian=everyone who speak different language! (Herodotus)]

For reading was used Elements-Letters from:
 “The Common Eikonogrammaton and Palaeogrammikon Alphabet of Ancient World”

Download it – Study it – Spread it

" The CoMMon oF WRiTiNG-ReaDiNG SySTeM oF aNCieNT SPeeCH ",
which unifies the panhuman written language and solves mysteries about the Hieroglyphics, the Chinese, the Linear writings, the Phaistos Disk, the Aliens’ writings etc,
and WATCH one class of relevant COURSE


 The antediluvian Shepherds Peoples as an prominent of asty or of the country, never had a particular name! The names-titles, which are gave on themselves or, later, historians, were those that flattered and gave them power and glory!

    The names-titles "Archon or Lord of the East", it was granted to the mythical Paris, him son of Priam, and to a series Kings of Aksiou, like "Alexander"! The same name was granted to Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius, like "Constantinus" while to the Ptolemy was granted the "Major Archon"! 

The Horapollo from Nilos, grammarian of Alexandria, with his "hieroglyphs" (Patmos 1419), while appears as an expert, not failed to convince us, but his deliberately misinformed us! His followed the Lord of Delphi, the Plutarch who, two millennia now, is struggling to conceal rather than reveal the truth about the "E of Delphi".
    Here, we will not say vices for Ancient Adepts! We will keep Plutarch and Horapollo to... ratify the "The Code of Generation and Enrichment of Universal Speech".

  From Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832), a French scholar, Orientalist, who considered today the father of Egyptology and from the British sages, M. Ventris and J. Chadwick... decipherers of the so-called Linear B, we will point out the confession of the failure of "YES! But…" and "Half job means nothing around something"!
   Partly, then, the Hieroglyph Scripture of Ancient Egypt and Palaeogrammiki Scripture of Greeks have deciphered… successfully! - Someone had something to ... decrypt! -
  The Champollion, phenomenon intelligences (... French!), will find his own path through the Supreme Ruler and King, the Ptolemaios, and through Cleopatra, from Egypt of G. Alexander and when luck will not be able to follow him, he will  teach a dual Egyptian Marking and Reading System, based on vocal letters, this one, and the other an ideographic notation!
   He will serves to us the same... intelligence that, a century later, two other sages (... Englishmen!), M. Ventris and J. Chadwick, deciphered(!) the Palaeogrammiki Scripture after the split in Linear b΄... it sat on them, and in Linear a΄... it did not make the grace them and stayed to wait, in vain, an wiser ... American!

 In the beginning was the word! The reasonable person have voice, therefore, not writes... illustrators! The reasonable person have voice, and in Prehistoric Globalized World, because of trade, must had a Common linguistic Code and could not change it neither every one thousand nor every more of thousands years!

 We, here, will teach Eikonogrammati and Palaeogrammiki Scripture.

Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
 – said the Prophytis! 
 [Profytevo = I am preparing  the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!

Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting,  Underminer.]


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